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Special Education Course Offerings


The Special Education courses listed below do not meet UC/CSU A-G entrance requirements. 

The courses listed below are available to students who meet state eligibility criteria for special education. Classes are assigned based on each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). These courses are not college preparatory classes and do not meet four-year college/university admission criteria. However, they meet the requirements for high school graduation, and will help prepare students for their chosen post-secondary paths.

Learning Lab  (9-12)

Prerequisites: Recommended by IEP team.

The Learning Lab Support curriculum provides academic assistance in one period or more to students who need support in reading, written language, math, study skills and career development as determined by the Individualized Education Planning Team.


English 1X, 2X, 3X, and 4X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team.

This Specialized Academic Instruction course provides an alternative means to achieve English credit for students whose disabilities require a small group setting, alternative means of instruction, and whose English language skills may be below grade level. These students may have gaps in their foundational knowledge. Students have an individualized program that builds toward and aligns with the general education English Language Arts curriculum. The skills covered are determined on an individual basis and support the goals identified in a student’s IEP. 

Algebra 1X and 2X  (9-12)

Prerequisites: Recommended by IEP team

This 1 to 2 year Specialized Academic Instruction course provides an alternative means to achieve Algebra 1 credit for students whose math skills are below grade level, and may have gaps in their foundation of pre-algebra/algebra knowledge. Students work at their own pace on an individualized program that builds toward and aligns with the general education math curriculum. Topics covered are determined on an individual basis, and support the goals identified in a student’s IEP. 

Biology X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team

This is a one year course designed to align with district and state Biology requirements while providing curriculum for students needing supplementary intensive re-teaching and review, altered pacing, additional reinforcement, more individualized attention, alternative methods and modes of instruction, and/or curriculum accommodations. Topics covered include the Structure and Function of Living Things, Heredity and Genetics, Interdependence of Ecosystems, Animal Behavior, Cycles in Nature, and Natural Selection and Evolution.

Physical Earth Science X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team

This is a one year course designed to align with district and state Physical/Earth Science requirements while providing curriculum for students needing supplementary intensive re-teaching and review, altered pacing, additional reinforcement, more individualized attention, alternative methods and modes of instruction, and/or curriculum accommodations. Topics covered include Earth’s Materials, Sculpturing Earth’s Surface, Forces within Earth, and Astronomy. 

Ethnic Studies X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team

Ethnic Studies X is a Specialized Academic Instruction course that meets the districts requirement for graduation, and has a similar curriculum to portions of the general education Ethnic Studies class. In this one semester course students will learn to critically analyze history and social constructs, and celebrate the different voices in our Nation and community. This course will raise awareness of marginalized groups, and learn from voices not included in traditional history / school narratives. There will be an emphasis on creating space for all students regardless of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, or citizenship, and to learn different perspectives. All freshman are enrolled in Ethnic Studies and Health. 


World History X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team

This Specialized Academic Instruction course provides an alternative means to achieve World History credit for students whose disabilities require a small group setting and alternative means of instruction. Students have an individualized program that builds toward and aligns with the general education World History curriculum. The topics covered include major events that shaped the modern world from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars. This class supports the goals identified in a student’s IEP. 

US History X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team

This Specialized Academic Instruction course provides an alternative means to achieve United States History credit for students whose disabilities require a small group setting and alternative means of instruction. Students have an individualized program that builds toward and aligns with the general education U.S. History curriculum. The topics covered include our nation’s beginnings, the emergence and impact of new technology and its effect on the economy, changes in the ethnic composition of American society, the movement toward equal rights for racial minorities and women, and the role of the United States as a major world power. This class supports the goals identified in a student’s IEP. 

Econ/Government X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team

This Specialized Academic Instruction course provides an alternative means to achieve Economics and U.S. Government credit for students whose disabilities require a small group setting and alternative means of instruction. Students have an individualized program that builds toward and aligns with the general education Economics and U.S. Government curriculum. The topics covered in Economics include common economic terms, elements of American’s market economy, comparative economic systems, and labor markets. The topics covered in Government include the history and changing interpretations of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the current state of the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches of government. This class supports the goals identified in a student’s IEP. 

Health X  (9-12)

Prerequisites:  Recommended by IEP team

Health Education X is a Specialized Academic Instruction course that meets the districts requirement for graduation, and aligns its curriculum with the general education Health Education class. This is a one semester course covers prevention of alcohol and other drug use, nutrition and healthy eating, family life education, mental and emotional health, environmental health, injury prevention and safety, personal health and fitness, disease prevention and control, community health, consumer health and selecting health options. 

For more information (including any updates since this information was posted) please check our Course Catalog