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Work Permits, Jobs, Careers

Interested in entering the workforce after high school? There are many options to explore. Check out our Career Technical Education site for more information about vocational/career training at TL, and see the links below for more information about apprenticeships, military, law enforcement, and other specific training for careers.

Scroll down for information about work permits. 


Apprenticeships, Fire, Paramedic:

California Apprenticeship Coordinators Association

Marin County Firefighters and Firefighter Paramedics


Law Enforcement: 

Marin County Sheriff

San Rafael Police

California Highway Patrol

all law enforcement links



United States Army

United States Army Military Academy/West Point

United States Air Force

United States Air Force Academy/Colorado Springs

United States Coast Guard

United States Marines

Unites States Navy

United States Naval Academy/Annapolis


Work Permits:
Contact Ms. Tremolada for help obtaining a work permit: / 415-492-3100

General work permit guidelines: Students must have a 2.0 GPA (C’s) or higher, good attendance and citizenship

16-17 years old:

- 4 hours per day on a school day

- 8 hours/day on non-school days 

- 48 hours per week

14-15 years old:

- 3 hours/day on a school day

- 8 hours/day on a non-school day

- 18 hours per week max

Under 14 years old: Labor laws generally prohibit employment of children under 14, except for agricultural work, domestic work, and the entertainment industry